Friday, August 19, 2011

End of the Accident

There is a show on tv called True Blood. Apparently it is about vampires and witches and goblins. It’s not really my thing that whole world of sorcery and spells and blood-sucking, but I realize it is glamorous to some, and so I have nothing against it. After all, lets face it – I could really care less about what goes on channels that aren’t TSN anyway.

But it did catch my attention this week. Not the show itself, but the controversy surrounding it.

Have you ever heard of a Wicken? I have. Some of you even know of my personal experience with them. A few of you, in fact, shared that “interesting” weekend with me…and the Wickens. Those that weren’t there needn’t have been for this story though – it is enough to say that Wickens consider themselves witches. But ‘good’ witches I think is how they’d describe themselves, or sun witches or something? Whatever, to me, a witch is a witch – they wear strange pointy hats and cast dark spells out of old books written in witchery.

Now remember I have not seen the show, so I cannot comment on the accuracy of the statements coming from the Wicken corner, but the point is they are protesting. It appears (to those whom watch) the reason for this protest is that the show True Blood makes witchcraft look to easy.

‘So what?’ you ask?? Well I’ll tell you 'so what'…

You know how in the Olympics the diving people make diving look so easy and then it’s a disaster when people start jumping off buildings in swan-like fashions into kiddie pools, or how magicians make sawing people in half look so easy that anyone who buys a new fridge surely gives it a go with the box their fridge came in and a willing volunteer – cause why not, it looked so simple on the tv and no one got hurt – and nothing good comes of it? Well, the wickins are worried that people will try to cast spells on each other and someone will utter a magic word incorrectly or wave their wand counter-clockwise and the consequences will be dire.

DIRE. Not like, call an ambulance dire....we are talking end of the world type stuff here.

So now I live in fear. It’s a legitimate concern! If you don’t know the bits, you should not be bibbity-bobbity-booing all over the place all carelessly and such. Voodoo injuries are the least of my concerns – the dark fury of satan accidentally cast upon the world…that’s the big one. I mean imagine it – someone sees it on TV and thinks, ‘hey I can do that’ so they get their big soup pot and start throwing things in and then innocently substitute ground ladybug because they can’t find ground scorpion – who knows what that could do??? No cauldron... Polka-dots instead of scorpion claws...

No one knows.
That’s the answer.

Sure, maybe one little frog will turn into a toad instead of a prince, but what if that’s not all that ensues???

You don’t know what demon could be unleashed, and I just don’t think this is ‘trial and error’ type stuff. It’s not like adding a pinch of something different to a tried and true recipe. Having to feed your dog curry-chicken-pyrogies because they sounded better than they tasted is one thing, but you can’t feed your dog a Frankenstein.

My first reaction was to say, 'well, you’re a witch, go make the show disappear' – isn’t that what witches do after all? But then I remembered the whole reason for the protest was because it’s not easy being a witch, so I know they'd only reply with what a difficult spell that would be....

...but, come on witches - it’s not like you have anything better to do - you’re sitting around watching TV all day for crumb's sake!!

happy friday,

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