Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dear Diary

It has been 7 days now in which I have been trapped on this soggy on the ark is progressing slowly.  Curling irons and nice shoes have been abandoned.  Food supplies are running low.  The only way to replenish them would be to venture 4 blocks, but travel is ill advised for umbrellas and rubber boots have proven futile weapons against such force.  Word hasn't travelled far being the outside world is suffering from power outages, but I remain hopeful that a rescue party will find us here soon.  The current shelter is holding up, but I expect it won't be long before rainwater begins to seep through....  Spirits on the island are begining to wan.  Its been 7 days in this gray world and there is no sign of reprieve.  Oh how I long for summer.  To see light and cloudless skies.  To feel warm and dry.  I pray that the bailing buckets remain intact, I pray that this island does not get washed to sea, I pray that the ark reaches completion in time.  In this bleak world only one thing seems certain - those summers of my youth spent collecting swimming badges will surely not go to waste.

I must sign off now, it is time to gather wood from which to fashion spears to fend off sharks and pirates should this land be swept away and a life at sea begin.  The rainwaters are pooling, it seems there is little time left for preparation.  I shall sleep this night in a life jacket; a preserver as my pillow.


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